• Houdini Scripts

      Add Overscan to Selected Cameras

      Exposes the overscan parameters on selected cameras

      ''' This script will add overscan to selected cameras '''
      sel = hou.selectedNodes()
      for node in sel:   
          group = node.parmTemplateGroup()
          folder = hou.FolderParmTemplate('folder', 'Overscan')
          folder.addParmTemplate(hou.IntParmTemplate('vm_overscan', 'Image Overscan', 2))    

      Add Linked Overscan to Selected Cameras

      Exposes the overscan parameters on selected cameras and adds an expression linking the overscan to ROP res overrides

      #import hou
      ''' This script will add overscan to selected cameras 
          It will also add an expression to link the overscan to the ROP res override
          Use: select cameras and then when prompted select a rop to apply camera res
      sel = hou.selectedNodes()
      rop = hou.ui.selectNode()
      roppath = str(rop)
      for node in sel:   
          group = node.parmTemplateGroup()
          folder = hou.FolderParmTemplate('folder', 'Overscan')
          folder.addParmTemplate(hou.IntParmTemplate("oscan", "Ford Overscan", 2))
          folder.addParmTemplate(hou.IntParmTemplate('vm_overscan', 'Image Overscan', 2))
          node.parm('vm_overscanx').setExpression('if (ch("' + roppath + '/override_camerares")==0, ch("oscanx"), ch("oscanx")*ch("' + roppath + '/res_fraction"))')
          node.parm('vm_overscany').setExpression('if (ch("' + roppath + '/override_camerares")==0, ch("oscany"), ch("oscany")*ch("' + roppath + '/res_fraction"))')

      Centre Pivots

      Sets pivot transforms to $CEX, $CEY, $CEZ on selected nodes

      # Centre pivots
      import hou
      sel = hou.selectedNodes()
      for nodes in sel:

      Find/Replace Parameter Expression

      Will find/replace strings within selected nodes’ parameters’ expressions

      import hou
      sel = hou.selectedNodes()
      dialog = hou.ui.readMultiInput('Find/Replace In Expression', input_labels=['Find: ', 'Replace: ',], buttons=("Find/Replace", "Cancel"),
           severity=hou.severityType.ImportantMessage, title='Find/Replace', close_choice=1)
      find = dialog[1][0]
      replace = dialog[1][1]
      if dialog[0] == 0:
          for n in sel:
              for parms in n.parms():
                      newString = str(parms.eval()).replace(find, replace)
                      print ''
                      newExpression = str(parms.expression()).replace(find, replace)
                      print ''

      Match Parameters

      Select two nodes and this script will copy all parameters from the first selected node to the second selected

      # --- This tool will match all parameters from the first selected node to the second.
      # --- good for copying ramps as well as the regular stuff.
      def matchParams():
          import hou
          value = 0
          sel = hou.selectedNodes()
          if len(sel) == 2:
              source = sel[0]
              dest = sel[1]
              for param in source.parms():
                  sourceParm = param.name()  # source parameter
                  destParm = dest.parm(sourceParm)  # Destination parameter
                      value += 1
                      sourceLanguage = param.expressionLanguage()
                      destParm.setExpression(param.expression(), language=sourceLanguage)
                      value += 1
                      value += 1
                      value += 1
                  if param.isLocked() == 'True':
              print 'Select two nodes to match parameters'

      Toggle Update Mode

      This script will toggle between Manual and Auto Update modes

      if hou.ui.updateMode() == hou.updateMode.AutoUpdate:

      Set Camera Parameters

      A short example to set all camera parameters – specifically resolution and icon scale

      import hou
      ''' This script will set all cameras res to those determined below
          and icon scale'''
      resx = "1920"
      resy = "1080"
      iconsize = "100"
      cameras = hou.nodeType(hou.objNodeTypeCategory(), "cam")
      for cams in cameras.instances():

      Split Into Groups

      This script will break out all the groups within the geo from the selected node using blasts

      import hou
      selectedNodes = hou.selectedNodes()
      for n in selectedNodes:
          groups = n.geometry().primGroups()
          for group in groups:
              blastNode = n.createOutputNode('blast')
              outNull = blastNode.createOutputNode('null')
              outNull.setName('OUT_' + group.name())

      Softimage Scripts

      Move Selected Items to Background Partitions

      This script will move selected items into background partitions of either the current pass or multiple selected passes

      # Move selected objects to background partitions
      # created by Gareth Bell
      # original created in VBScript 28-11-11
      # converted to Python 26-07-2012
      # Description:
      # This script will put the selected objects into either the current passes bg partitions or, if selected, multiple passes bg partitions
      # To use:  select objects and passes. Run.
      import win32com
      xsi = Application
      #create collections to store objects
      geoColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      passesColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      lightsColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      selection = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      selection.AddItems (xsi.Selection)
      #sort selection into collections (objects, lights and passes)
      for obj in selection:
                if obj.type == "light":
                         lightsColl.AddItems (obj)
                elif obj.type == "Pass":
                         passesColl.AddItems (obj)
                         geoColl.AddItems (obj)
      passCount = passesColl.Count
      #decide if sorting is in only the current pass or multiple passes
      if passCount > 0:
                for eachPass in passesColl:     
      			print str(geoColl) + " has/have been put into the background partition in " + str(eachPass.name)
      			xsi.MoveToPartition(str(eachPass) + ".background_objects_partition", geoColl, eachPass)
      			print str(lightsColl) + " has/have been put into the background partition in " + str(eachPass.name)
      			xsi.MoveToPartition(str(eachPass) + ".background_lights_partition", lightsColl, eachPass)
      	currentPass = xsi.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.ActivePass
      	print str(geoColl) + " has/have been put into the background partition in the current pass"
      	xsi.MoveToPartition(str(currentPass) + ".background_objects_partition", geoColl, currentPass)               
      	print str(lightsColl) + " has/have been put into the background partition in the current pass"
      	xsi.MoveToPartition(str(currentPass) + ".background_lights_partition", lightsColl, currentPass)    

      Convert Models to Nulls

      This small script will convert selected models into nulls.

      import win32com
      xsi = Application
      objs = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      objs.AddItems (xsi.Selection)
      for i in objs:
                if i.Type == "#model":
                         newNull = xsi.GetPrim("null", str(i) + "_null", "", "")   #create null
                         xsi.MatchTransform(newNull, i, "siSRT")   #match it's transforms to the model
                         for eachChild in i.Children:  #parent model's children to null
                                   xsi.ParentObj(newNull, eachChild)
                                   for eachGroup in i.Groups:   #move groups to nulls parent
                                            xsi.CopyPaste (eachGroup,"", newNull.Parent, 1)
                                   print ""
                                   xsi.ParentObj (i.Parent, newNull)    #parent new null to original models parent
                                   print ""
                         xsi.DeleteObj (i)    #Delete original model
                         print "Select models only"

      mia2vray Material Conversion

      This small script will swap selected materials mia shaders into vraymtrl shaders. This script was inspired by Paul Driesen’s script for Maya 

      #mia2vray converter
      #author: gareth bell
      #date: 15-10-2012
      #This script will break the back of converting mia shaders in selected materials into vrayMtls
      #Use: Select materials. Run
      import win32com.client
      import siutils
      from siutils import si
      from siutils import C
      xsi = Application
      coll = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      vrayMaterials = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      def traverse( s, coll ):
          for p in s.Parameters:
              if p.Source and p.Source.IsClassOf( C.siShaderParameterID ):
                  coll.Add( p.Source.Parent )
                  traverse( p.Source.Parent, coll )
          for l in s.TextureLayers:
              for y in l.Parameters:
                  if y.Source and y.Source.IsClassOf( C.siShaderParameterID ):
                      coll.Add( y.Source.Parent ) 
                      traverse( y.Source.Parent, coll )
      def createVrayShader (eachShader):
      			vrayMaterial = xsi.CreateShaderFromProgID("Softimage.VRayMtl.1.0", mat, "VRayMtl")
      			vrayMaterials.AddItems (vrayMaterial) 
      			miaName = eachShader.name
      			vrayName = vrayMaterial.FullName
      			#match diffuse colour
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".diffuse_color.red"), eachShader.diffuse.red.value, "")
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".diffuse_color.green"), eachShader.diffuse.green.value, "")
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".diffuse_color.blue"), eachShader.diffuse.blue.value, "")
      			#match reflection colour
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".reflection_color.red"), eachShader.refl_color.red.value, "")
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".reflection_color.green"), eachShader.refl_color.green.value, "")
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".reflection_color.blue"), eachShader.refl_color.blue.value, "")
      			#match refraction colour
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".refr_color.red"), eachShader.refr_color.red.value, "")
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".refr_color.green"), eachShader.refr_color.green.value, "")
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".refr_color.blue"), eachShader.refr_color.blue.value, "")
      			#match roughness
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".roughness"), eachShader.diffuse_roughness.value, "")
      			#match gloss
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".refr_glossiness"), eachShader.refr_gloss.value, "")
      			#match IOR
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".refr_ior"), eachShader.refr_ior.value, "")
      			#match anisotropy
      			a = eachShader.anisotropy.value
      			#equation for getting anisotropy values in range 0 to 10 (mia_shader) converted to -1 to 1 (vray_shader) is (a/5.0)-1)
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".brdf_anisotropy"), (a/5.0)-1.0)
      			#match rotation
      			xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".brdf_rotation"), eachShader.anisotropy_rotation.value, "")
      			#match fresnel
      			fres = eachShader.brdf_fresnel.value
      			if fres == True:
      				xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".reflection_enable_fresnel"), False, "")
      				xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".reflection_enable_fresnel"), True, "")
      			inputCnx = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      			cnxPoint = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      			for p in eachShader.Parameters:
      				if p.Source and p.Source.IsClassOf( C.siShaderParameterID ):
      					inputCnx.Add (p.Source.Parent)
      					cnxPoint.Add (p)
      			for i in range (0, inputCnx.Count):
      				#print inputCnx(i)
      				#print cnxPoint(i).Name
      				if cnxPoint(i).Name == "diffuse":
      					vrayCnxPoint = "diffuse_color"
      				elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "refl_color":
      					vrayCnxPoint = "reflection_color"
      				elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "refr_color":
      					vrayCnxPoint == "refr_color"
      				elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "roughness":
      					vrayCnxPoint == "diffuse_roughness"
      				elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "refr_glossiness":
      					vrayCnxPoint == "refr_gloss"
      				elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "refr_ior":
      					vrayCnxPoint == "refr_ior"
      				elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "anisotropy":
      					vrayCnxPoint == "brdf_anisotropy"
      				elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "brdf_rotation":
      					vrayCnxPoint == "anisotropy_rotation"
      				xsi.SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint( (inputCnx(i).out) , str(vrayName) + "." + str(vrayCnxPoint))
      			#match name to mia_name
      			xsi.SetValue((str(vrayName) + ".Name"), "VRay" + str(eachShader.name)[3:])
      prefs = xsi.Preferences
      #get commandlog prefs
      origPrefs = prefs.GetPreferenceValue ("scripting.cmdlog")
      #turn log off
      prefs.SetPreferenceValue ("scripting.cmdlog", False)
      # get material
      for mat in xsi.Selection:
      	traverse( mat, coll )
      	coll.Unique = True
      	for eachShader in coll:
      		if "Softimage.mia_material_phen.1.0" in eachShader.ProgID:
      			print ""          
      		elif "mentalray.mia_material_x.1.0" in eachShader.ProgID:
      			print ""
      			coll.Remove( eachShader )
      	for eachShader in coll:
      		createVrayShader (eachShader)
      	#get mia shaders output connections and plug them into the newly created vRay shader
      	for s in range (0, coll.count):
      		targets = coll(s).GetShaderParameterTargets("")	
      		for eachTarget in targets:
      			xsi.SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint(str(vrayMaterials(s)) + ".out" , eachTarget, False)
      		#delete mia shader
      		xsi.DeleteObj (coll(s))
      	#empty collections
      #restore original log prefs	
      prefs.SetPreferenceValue ("scripting.cmdlog", origPrefs)

      Extrude Along Multiple Curves

      It came to my attention from a colleague today that there isn’t an easy way to extrude along multiple curves in Softimage. So I knocked up this little script for her.

      #To Use: 
      # 1) Select the curves you want to extrude along.
      # 2) Run script
      # 3) Pick the profile curve
      import win32com
      xsi = Application
      #collect all curves
      extCurves = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      extCurves.AddItems (xsi.Selection)
      #pick profile curve
      profileCurve = xsi.PickElement ("", "Pick Profile Curve")
      #loop through all extCurves and extrude along profileCurve
      for i in range (0, extCurves.count):
      	xsi.ApplyGenOp("Extrusion", "MeshSurface", str(profileCurve(2)) + ";" + str(extCurves(i)), 3, "siPersistentOperation", "siKeepGenOpInputs", "")

      Delete Empty Partitions

      I like to keep my passes tidy so this little script just strips out any empty partitions on selected passes.

      #  USE: Select passes and run the script
      import win32com
      xsi = Application
      selectedPasses = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      selectedPasses.AddItems (xsi.Selection)
      def stripPass(eachPass):
      	partitionsColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
      	for eachPartition in eachPass.Partitions:
      		partitionsColl.AddItems (eachPartition)
             #-- Remove background partitions from the collection ---------------------
      	partitionsColl.RemoveItems (partitionsColl[0])
      	partitionsColl.RemoveItems (partitionsColl[0])
      	for eachPartition in partitionsColl:
      		if eachPartition.Members.Count == 0:
      			print str(eachPartition) + " is empty :: Deleted ::"
      			xsi.DeleteObj (eachPartition)
      for eachPass in selectedPasses:

      Nuke Scripts

      Multi Paster

      A simple snippet to paste multiples of the copied node underneath the selected nodes.
      To use just copy the node you want (ctrl-c). Select the nodes on which you want to paste the copies and run the script. Simples!

      #paste to multiple selection
      selected = nuke.selectedNodes()
      for eachNode in selected:
          n = nuke.toNode(str(eachNode.name()))