Rename Tool
This script comes in script and plugin form. The plugin can be found here. gbRenamerPlugin
Here’s the script
#- gbRenamer_1.0 ------------------------------------------------------ #- wip - gbRenamer_004.pys #- Date: 18.07.14 #- Author: Gareth Bell - #- This is just a simple string renaming tool #- USE: - Select objects/passes etc you want to rename. Run it. #- Options: Add prefix/suffix #- Find/Replace with Case sensitivity toggle #- Total rename #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import win32com c = win32com.client.constants xsi = Application root = xsi.ActiveSceneRoot global newName typeCase = ["Don't Force Case", "Don't Force Case", "lowercase", "lowercase", "UPPERCASE", "UPPERCASE"] objectsColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) objectsColl.AddItems (xsi.Selection) def main(): global cpSet cpSet = root.AddProperty("CustomProperty", False, "gbRenamer") ppgLayout = cpSet.PPGLayout ppgLayout.Language = "Python" param = cpSet.AddParameter3("prefix", c.siString, "") param = cpSet.AddParameter3("suffix", c.siString, "") param = cpSet.AddParameter3("case", c.siBool, False, "", "", False) param = cpSet.AddParameter3("find", c.siString, "") param = cpSet.AddParameter3("replacement", c.siString, "") param = cpSet.AddParameter3("rename", c.siString, "") param = cpSet.AddParameter3("caseType", c.siString, typeCase[0]) #-- create layout ppgLayout.AddGroup ("Force Case") caseType = ppgLayout.AddEnumControl("caseType", typeCase, "Case", c.siControlCombo) ppgLayout.EndGroup() ppgLayout.AddGroup ("Add") sPrefix = ppgLayout.AddItem("prefix", "Prefix", c.siString) sSuffix = ppgLayout.AddItem("suffix", "Suffix", c.siString) ppgLayout.AddSpacer() ppgLayout.EndGroup() ppgLayout.AddGroup ("Find/Replace") sCase = ppgLayout.AddItem ("case", "Case-Sensitive", c.siControlBoolean) sFind = ppgLayout.AddItem("find", "Find", c.siString) sFind.SetAttribute (c.siUIContinue, True) sReplacement = ppgLayout.AddItem("replacement", "Replace", c.siString) ppgLayout.AddSpacer() ppgLayout.EndGroup() ppgLayout.AddGroup ("Complete Rename") sRename = ppgLayout.AddItem("rename", "Rename", c.siString) ppgLayout.AddSpacer() ppgLayout.EndGroup() inspectDialog = xsi.InspectObj (cpSet, "", "gbRenamer", c.siModal) def forceCase(): lCase = xsi.Dictionary.GetObject ("gbRenamer.caseType").Value return lCase def getPrefix(eachObj): global prefix prefix = xsi.Dictionary.GetObject ("gbRenamer.prefix").Value #print prefix return prefix def getSuffix(eachObj): global suffix suffix = xsi.Dictionary.GetObject ("gbRenamer.suffix").Value #print suffix return suffix def caseSensitivity(): global caseSensitive caseSensitive = xsi.Dictionary.GetObject ("").Value return caseSensitive def getFind(eachObj): global find find = xsi.Dictionary.GetObject ("gbRenamer.find").Value if caseSensitivity() == True: return find else: find = find.lower() return find return find def getReplacement(eachObj): global replacement replacement = xsi.Dictionary.GetObject ("gbRenamer.replacement").Value print replacement return replacement def getRename(eachObj): global rename rename = xsi.Dictionary.GetObject ("gbRenamer.rename").Value return rename def addPrefix(eachObj): global newName oldName = eachObj.Name newName = prefix + oldName eachObj.Name = newName return newName def addSuffix(eachObj): global newName oldName = eachObj.Name newName = oldName + suffix eachObj.Name = newName return newName def renameIt(eachObj): global newName oldName = eachObj.Name newName = rename eachObj.Name = newName return newName def replaceName(eachObj): global newName oldName = eachObj.Name if caseSensitivity() == False: oldName = oldName.lower() newName = oldName.replace(find, replacement) eachObj.Name = newName return newName #------- START HERE ------------------------ try: main() for eachObj in objectsColl: if getPrefix(eachObj) != "": addPrefix(eachObj) if getSuffix(eachObj) != "": addSuffix(eachObj) if getFind(eachObj) != "": if getReplacement(eachObj) != "": replaceName(eachObj) if getRename(eachObj) != "": renameIt(eachObj) if forceCase() == "lowercase": eachObj.Name = eachObj.Name.lower() elif forceCase() == "UPPERCASE": eachObj.Name = eachObj.Name.upper() else: continue xsi.DeleteObj(cpSet) except: xsi.DeleteObj(cpSet)
Move selected items to background partitions
This script will move selected items into background partitions of either the current pass or multiple selected passes
# Move selected objects to background partitions # created by Gareth Bell # original created in VBScript 28-11-11 # converted to Python 26-07-2012 # Description: # This script will put the selected objects into either the current passes bg partitions or, if selected, multiple passes bg partitions ################################## # To use: select objects and passes. Run. ################################## import win32com xsi = Application #create collections to store objects geoColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) passesColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) lightsColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) selection = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) selection.AddItems (xsi.Selection) #sort selection into collections (objects, lights and passes) for obj in selection: if obj.type == "light": lightsColl.AddItems (obj) elif obj.type == "Pass": passesColl.AddItems (obj) else: geoColl.AddItems (obj) passCount = passesColl.Count #decide if sorting is in only the current pass or multiple passes if passCount > 0: for eachPass in passesColl: print str(geoColl) + " has/have been put into the background partition in " + str( xsi.MoveToPartition(str(eachPass) + ".background_objects_partition", geoColl, eachPass) print str(lightsColl) + " has/have been put into the background partition in " + str( xsi.MoveToPartition(str(eachPass) + ".background_lights_partition", lightsColl, eachPass) else: currentPass = xsi.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.ActivePass print str(geoColl) + " has/have been put into the background partition in the current pass" xsi.MoveToPartition(str(currentPass) + ".background_objects_partition", geoColl, currentPass) print str(lightsColl) + " has/have been put into the background partition in the current pass" xsi.MoveToPartition(str(currentPass) + ".background_lights_partition", lightsColl, currentPass)
Convert Models to Nulls
This small script will convert selected models into nulls.
import win32com xsi = Application objs = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) objs.AddItems (xsi.Selection) for i in objs: if i.Type == "#model": newNull = xsi.GetPrim("null", str(i) + "_null", "", "") #create null xsi.MatchTransform(newNull, i, "siSRT") #match it's transforms to the model for eachChild in i.Children: #parent model's children to null xsi.ParentObj(newNull, eachChild) try: for eachGroup in i.Groups: #move groups to nulls parent xsi.CopyPaste (eachGroup,"", newNull.Parent, 1) except: print "" try: xsi.ParentObj (i.Parent, newNull) #parent new null to original models parent except: print "" xsi.DeleteObj (i) #Delete original model else: print "Select models only"
mia2vray material converter
This small script will swap selected materials mia shaders into vraymtrl shaders. This script was inspired by Paul Driesen’s script for MayaÂ
#mia2vray converter #author: gareth bell #date: 15-10-2012 #This script will break the back of converting mia shaders in selected materials into vrayMtls #Use: Select materials. Run import win32com.client import siutils from siutils import si from siutils import C xsi = Application coll = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) vrayMaterials = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) ############################################# def traverse( s, coll ): for p in s.Parameters: if p.Source and p.Source.IsClassOf( C.siShaderParameterID ): coll.Add( p.Source.Parent ) traverse( p.Source.Parent, coll ) for l in s.TextureLayers: for y in l.Parameters: if y.Source and y.Source.IsClassOf( C.siShaderParameterID ): coll.Add( y.Source.Parent ) traverse( y.Source.Parent, coll ) ############################################ def createVrayShader (eachShader): vrayMaterial = xsi.CreateShaderFromProgID("Softimage.VRayMtl.1.0", mat, "VRayMtl") vrayMaterials.AddItems (vrayMaterial) miaName = vrayName = vrayMaterial.FullName #match diffuse colour xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ""),, "") xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ""),, "") xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ""),, "") #match reflection colour xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ""),, "") xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ""),, "") xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ""),, "") #match refraction colour xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ""),, "") xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ""),, "") xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ""),, "") #match roughness xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".roughness"), eachShader.diffuse_roughness.value, "") #match gloss xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".refr_glossiness"), eachShader.refr_gloss.value, "") #match IOR xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".refr_ior"), eachShader.refr_ior.value, "") #match anisotropy a = eachShader.anisotropy.value #equation for getting anisotropy values in range 0 to 10 (mia_shader) converted to -1 to 1 (vray_shader) is (a/5.0)-1) xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".brdf_anisotropy"), (a/5.0)-1.0) #match rotation xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".brdf_rotation"), eachShader.anisotropy_rotation.value, "") #match fresnel fres = eachShader.brdf_fresnel.value if fres == True: xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".reflection_enable_fresnel"), False, "") else: xsi.SetValue( (str(vrayName) + ".reflection_enable_fresnel"), True, "") inputCnx = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) cnxPoint = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) for p in eachShader.Parameters: if p.Source and p.Source.IsClassOf( C.siShaderParameterID ): inputCnx.Add (p.Source.Parent) cnxPoint.Add (p) for i in range (0, inputCnx.Count): #print inputCnx(i) #print cnxPoint(i).Name if cnxPoint(i).Name == "diffuse": vrayCnxPoint = "diffuse_color" elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "refl_color": vrayCnxPoint = "reflection_color" elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "refr_color": vrayCnxPoint == "refr_color" elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "roughness": vrayCnxPoint == "diffuse_roughness" elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "refr_glossiness": vrayCnxPoint == "refr_gloss" elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "refr_ior": vrayCnxPoint == "refr_ior" elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "anisotropy": vrayCnxPoint == "brdf_anisotropy" elif cnxPoint(i).Name == "brdf_rotation": vrayCnxPoint == "anisotropy_rotation" xsi.SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint( (inputCnx(i).out) , str(vrayName) + "." + str(vrayCnxPoint)) #match name to mia_name xsi.SetValue((str(vrayName) + ".Name"), "VRay" + str([3:]) ############################################################# ############################################################# prefs = xsi.Preferences #get commandlog prefs origPrefs = prefs.GetPreferenceValue ("scripting.cmdlog") #turn log off prefs.SetPreferenceValue ("scripting.cmdlog", False) # get material for mat in xsi.Selection: traverse( mat, coll ) coll.Unique = True for eachShader in coll: if "Softimage.mia_material_phen.1.0" in eachShader.ProgID: print "" elif "mentalray.mia_material_x.1.0" in eachShader.ProgID: print "" else: coll.Remove( eachShader ) for eachShader in coll: createVrayShader (eachShader) #get mia shaders output connections and plug them into the newly created vRay shader for s in range (0, coll.count): targets = coll(s).GetShaderParameterTargets("") for eachTarget in targets: xsi.SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint(str(vrayMaterials(s)) + ".out" , eachTarget, False) #delete mia shader xsi.DeleteObj (coll(s)) #empty collections vrayMaterials.RemoveAll() coll.RemoveAll() #restore original log prefs prefs.SetPreferenceValue ("scripting.cmdlog", origPrefs)
It came to my attention from a colleague today that there isn’t an easy way to extrude along multiple curves in Softimage. So I knocked up this little script for her.
#extrudeMultiCurves_001 #To Use: # 1) Select the curves you want to extrude along. # 2) Run script # 3) Pick the profile curve import win32com xsi = Application #collect all curves extCurves = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) extCurves.AddItems (xsi.Selection) #pick profile curve profileCurve = xsi.PickElement ("", "Pick Profile Curve") #loop through all extCurves and extrude along profileCurve for i in range (0, extCurves.count): xsi.ApplyGenOp("Extrusion", "MeshSurface", str(profileCurve(2)) + ";" + str(extCurves(i)), 3, "siPersistentOperation", "siKeepGenOpInputs", "")
Delete Empty Partitions
I like to keep my passes tidy so this little script just strips out any empty partitions on selected passes.
# USE: Select passes and run the script import win32com xsi = Application selectedPasses = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) selectedPasses.AddItems (xsi.Selection) #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- def stripPass(eachPass): partitionsColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" ) for eachPartition in eachPass.Partitions: partitionsColl.AddItems (eachPartition) #-- Remove background partitions from the collection --------------------- partitionsColl.RemoveItems (partitionsColl[0]) partitionsColl.RemoveItems (partitionsColl[0]) for eachPartition in partitionsColl: if eachPartition.Members.Count == 0: print str(eachPartition) + " is empty :: Deleted ::" xsi.DeleteObj (eachPartition) #-------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------- for eachPass in selectedPasses: stripPass(eachPass)