Having begun the switch to Houdini, I’ve been learning how to implement my Python knowledge into Houdini. My first tool is an incremental saver (something I find hugely important), which accounts for files that already exist and warns if a naming convention is not adhered to. This .zip contains the .py script, the code for … Read More
Softimage: Renamer Tool
Here’s a renaming tool I created for use in Softimage. Downloaded here (run it from Edit > gbRenamer)
Nuke: BellTools
I’ve just uploaded a small collection of nuke scripts and gizmos that I find useful. I shall continue to update the .zip file as-and-when I have more tools. Find them here
Plugin: Find Object’s Groups
Here’s a little plugin for Softimage that will find and select the groups in which the selected objects’ are within. Drop it in your plugins directory and reboot Softimage. It will then be accessible from the Object’s Explorer context menu like this ( I’ve also mapped it to alt-g ):